SAFA uses WhatsApp to change the game for world football

24 October 2019 – The South African Football Association (SAFA) has partnered with Inqaku and Praekelt to launch a WhatsApp chat service that gives thousands of FIFA-registered footballers and amateur clubs the information they need to get on with the game. Not...

SAFA eThekwini envisages bright future for MYSAFA system

The MYSAFA stakeholder registration, communication and competition management system has gained a head of steam over the past 2 years and continues to grow and improve in all facets. This system was brought about in accordance with the South African Football...

Interactive Graph of ABC and SAB League Transfers

20 February 2019 – MYSAFA, South Africa’s official player registration and competition system, has released an interactive network graph showing transfers into and out of ABC Motsepe League and SAB League from the 2019 transfer window. Each dot represents...