D License Coaching Course

D License Introductory courses are usually organised by the Regional FA’s, sometimes in co-operation with municipalities. SAFA only facilitates and supervises the course.

Candidates are advised to contact their respective region(s) for further information regarding introductory courses around their area(s). SAFA will assist if the interested individual(s) are not succeeding with their region(s).

Basic Course Information

The course will usually be conducted twice over a number of consecutive days between 8.00 – 18.00 hrs (i.e. Phase 1 & Phase 2) totalling up to 80 hours with a distance learning of 6 weeks in between the two phases.

Candidates will have to undergo training and assessment in both theoretical and practical work on a daily basis. The course is organised by our regional association.

  • It is a 5 days course
  • The course is conducted over a period of five days or weekends
  • The course allows the coach to train children and youths
  • The course provides opportunities for youth to play football and have fun
  • The course targets boys and girls aged 6-12 years through schools and communities
  • The course is organized by SAFA Regional Association and LFA’s

Governance of the Coach Education Structure

As part of its Vision 2022 plan, the Association has streamlined its governance structures, combining several Standing Committees into clusters to ensure better coordination and oversight of its programmes. The SAFA Technical Committee oversees the SAFA Coach Education Programme and is part of the football and technical cluster of committees that includes the SAFA Technical Committee, the SAFA Referees Committee and the SAFA Medical Committee.

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